Slight Weight Loss Can Reduce the Chance of Breast Cancer

by Answer is Fitness on May 23, 2012      

Slight Weight Loss Can Reduce the Chance of Breast CancerHere's another reason some women may want to hit the gym and watch what they eat.

A new study says even moderate weight loss could help reduce breast cancer risks.

Researchers in Seattle used data from sedentary post-menopausal women who were overweight or obese. They say even a 5% weight loss can reduce the levels of circulating estrogen which is known to be a risk factor for breast cancer.

The women dived into four groups: a diet-only group, an exercise-only group, a diet and exercise group and a no-intervention group.

“The biggest effect was through diet plus exercise”, Anne McTiernan, the study's author, said in a statement.

The results of the studied showed that the groups with the most weight loss were the diet and exercise group with women in those groups losing an average of 10 percent of their starting weight, according to the study.

Additionally, the women in the diet only and diet and exercise groups also experienced the largest drop in estrogen and other hormones linked to breast cancer.

Researchers say a healthy diet and exercise is key, and that it's never too late to make lifestyle changes.

The study results suggest that weight loss of just 5% or more could cut the risk for the most common, estrogen-sensitive breast cancers by a quarter to a half.

To begin a weight loss and exercise program, contact Answer is Fitness.

KKTV News and Christian Post

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