Mind Body - North Attleboro, MA

The yoga postures or asanas exercises every part of your body, stretching and toning the muscles and joints, the spine and the entire skeletal with all the connective tissue. And the poses work not only on the body frame but on the internal glands and nerves as well, keeping all systems in radiant health.

The physical goal of yoga is to improve postural alignment, increase the range of motion, strengthening weak muscle consequently balancing muscular asymmetry and release chronic tension.

Because Yoga works on so many different levels, it has great potential as an effective therapy for chronic diseases and conditions that do not respond well to conventional treatment methods.

Yoga is a practice of awareness that teaches us to be present in each moment and to be present in our bodies.

By releasing physical and mental tension yoga postures will liberate vast resource of energy.

The yogic breathing as known as Pranayama revitalize the body and help to control the mind, leaving you calm refreshed - In a culture where people tend to be shallow “chest breathers”, learning to breathe deeply and fully offers great physiological benefits.

Anyone can start a yoga practice, even if you don't feel like you are very flexible or very strong; it will definitely improve as you practice. The amazing thing about yoga is that your practice is always evolving and changing, so it never gets boring. Although the poses themselves do not change, your relationship to them will.

This is your body and your practice, and from that point of view comes the noncompetitive spirit of yoga; one of the most difficult, but ultimately most liberating things about yoga is letting go of the ego and accepting that no one is better than anyone else. Everyone is just doing their best on any given day.

In simple words, yoga is a fantastic system for physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health; the postures of yoga lubricate the body and keep the muscles and joints running smoothly, tone all the internal organs, and increase circulation while the breathing increases prana, the life force energy.

But keep in mind that the practice of yoga is really an exploration of ourselves on all levels. It helps us to break free from the shackles of ignorance, from our habits and conditionings, and to discover the true roots of disharmony, unhappiness and frustrations in our life.

Yoga brings union to our polarities like the yin and yang of the life force energy (ex. masculine and feminine aspect/ hot and cold/ calm and excited…).

Yoga thrives to help you find balance in everything you are doing.

Yoga supports your spiritual quest to allow you to find your innermost being.

When the mind and body are peaceful, it’s much easier to hear the still, small voice of the heart to guide you.

Regardless of your motivations, with effort, dedication, and above all else, “patience”, you will most certainly find success through yoga!


“Yoga is the perfect opportunity to be curious about who you are. ”

Jason Crandell

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