Potential New Seniors Training Class - If you are interested please email samantha_russo@answerisfitness.com . Initial details are:
- 6 Sessions for $99
- Starting in Feb 2010
- Classes to start at 12:00 (noon)
- 5 Members minimum per class
Seniors Fitness Programs - Many older adults do not exercise for various reasons. Reasons such as you might feel like you don’t know where to begin, you are coping with an ongoing health problem or disability, or perhaps you are afraid you might fall. However, exercise is vital for healthy aging and fitness. Whether you are generally healthy or are coping with an ongoing disability or health problem, regular exercise will help you stay healthier, more active, and improve your outlook. There is plenty of material to read for tips on getting started and weaving exercise into your daily life, making it enjoyable instead of a chore.
Many seniors don't exercise for the same reason that people of all ages resist physical activity – they think of it as too hard, too boring, or they are disappointed by the lack of immediate results. On top of this, some older adults have additional challenges, such as chronic health conditions or concerns about injury or falls.
But the data is clear: exercise benefits people of all ages. In fact, studies show that not only is exercise safe for seniors, but it has enormous health advantages. Exercise can help you maintain your health and independence throughout your life. Regular exercise and senior fitness is the key to greater energy, stronger muscles, better balance and flexibility, and a happy and alert mind. It doesn’t matter how old you are! People in their sixties, seventies, eighties, and even nineties can reap the benefits of exercise.

The key to seniors fitness is enjoyment and we're here to help. We offer classes, cardio equipment, resistance machines and free weights. And we offer customized personal training and nutrition programs specifically for seniors. Call 508-643-0060 today to find out more.