The 2013 You Choose to Lose Challenge Have Just Begun!!!

by Answer is Fitness on November 26, 2013      

Congratulations Everyone!!
You are all officially entered into the 2013 You Choose to Lose Challenge and the games have just begun!!! I have some really good news for the men doing the challenge... your 5th man came in and signed up for the challenge, so now we have enough of you "guys" to win that $500 bucks YIPPIE!!!

Your challenge for this week is creating 3 healthy entrees that you can bring with you (or prepare for home) for the Thanksgiving feast!! The entrees should be an appetizer, side dish, and a dessert. The rules of this challenge are as follows

You must email ( the following no later then Wednesday (11/27)Night 11:55pm

A) Picture of your creations (just take one to show that you actually made it)
B) List of Ingredients and how to prepare

You will be judged on the time it was submitted, the creativity of your choices and the picture of your recipe... I will announce the winner Thursday Morning, and what the winner receives for a prize!!! Remember that the challenges are optional but highly recommended :)

I know the holidays can be challenging when it comes to staying on track but if you can learn to be creative with great food and healthy recipes, you will not feel so deprived when your around your loved ones who are packing on the pounds ;)

Have a great day everyone and remember You Choose to Lose!!!

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