Maintaining Mental and Physical Wellness During Covid-19

by Answer is Fitness on March 27, 2020      

Answer is Fitness - Mental and Physical Wellness in Canton, MA

Reducing stress is a somewhat difficult challenge in the days of pandemic. Taking care of your mind as well as your body is really important while staying at home during these trying times. You may feel bored, frustrated, and/or lonely. You likely are concerned about you, your family, and your friend’s happiness, health, finances, and a host of other things. You can’t take care of others if you don’t take care of yourself first. Here are some tips on how you will do now to be on top of your mental and physical well-being while staying at home:

  1. Check your employers benefit provided. You will be worried about work and money while you have to stay home. These issues will have a big effect on your mental health. At the same time plan practical things to make ways on how you will get your household supplies needed. Check with your neighbors, friends or local officials in your community.
  2. Stay connected with others. This will maintain healthy relationships with people close to you which is important for your mental wellness. Keep in touch with your friends and family while you are staying at home by phone, messaging, video calls or social media.
  3. Take care of your body. Your physical health has a big impact on how you feel. It is unavoidable that you will fall into unhealthy patterns of behavior that ends up making you feel worse. Exercise regularly, eat healthy and well balance meals, observe proper hygiene and social distancing and drink enough water. Take note that staying on top of difficulties will relax your mind and body. Being concerned about the Covid-19 outbreak is normal though some people will experience intense anxiety that will affect their day-to-day life.

For more tips on mental wellness, contact Answer is Fitness.

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