Proper Technique for Front Squatting

by Answer is Fitness on June 9, 2014      

The major difference between a front squat and a traditional back squat is the position of the bar and the hand grip on the bar. There are two popular techniques that front squatters use to grip the bar. The first is called a clean grip (the same grip you would use when performing a clean with a barbell) where you place your first two fingers on the bar in the middle on the edge of the knurling. You then bring your torso in underneath the bar, fire your elbows up tall facing straight outward from you, and un-rack the bar. Finally, you step back and find your personal comfort spot for the bar right above your pectorals as the bar should be lying on a flat plane across the top of your chest. The second grip is called the cross grip and is more popular among those who lack flexibility in their forearms and elbows. You cross your wrists and put your thumbs to the edge of the knurling, pull your body in close, and then drive the elbows up tall again, but this time they should be facing out to the sides. Keep the elbows up high and again find that comfortable spot. Once the grip has been determined and the bar is positioned correctly above your chest, you perform the squat. Make sure to maintain good upright back and torso posture and get low enough to ensure your thighs break parallel with the ground.

The front squat is a good exercise because it focuses more on the front part of your legs. It engages your quads more whereas a regular back squat works more glutes and hamstrings. In addition, the front position of the bar above your chest and across the shoulders puts much less stress on the shoulders than the back position does for a back squat. The spine also receives less stress due to the more upright posture in the front squat. It is also generally accepted that due to bar positioning in the front, you can achieve a much deeper or lower squat in a front squat than you would be able to in a regular back squat. Lastly, there is the notion that a front squat is a safer exercise because the weight is out in front of you and the majority of lifters use less weight than they would in a back squat. Answer is Fitness weight room area provides opportunities to perform variations of these exercises, for overall fitness and health.

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