Setting Fitness Goals: Make Sure They are SMART Goals – Canton, MA

by Answer is Fitness on March 21, 2016      

Setting Fitness Goals: Make Sure They are SMART Goals

Now that spring is on the way, you may be thinking about losing weight. If you want to be successful at this you need to set fitness goals. But understand that strength, endurance, and weight loss takes months to accomplish, and keeping weight off and staying fit means a lifestyle change.

For weight loss success you need to set Goals

In order to be successful in fitness and weight loss, you need to set fitness goals. But be sure to set S.M.A.R.T. goals -- specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely.

Stay motivated with small goals

Your weight loss plan needs to be successful if you are going to stick with it. But this takes time. Have a long-term goal, but keep the milestones small so you can get there easily and quickly. Start with a goal of running a few times a week and work up from there.

Have an action plan

You can make a six month goal, but you need somewhere to start. You need a goal that will keep you on track. Set small milestones with specific dates.

Give your body time

If you do too much too fast, you may injure yourself and that can set you back. Recovery time is important, take a couple of days off per week to rest so you can adjust to your new lifestyle.

Write down your goals

Having a goal in your head won’t keep you going every day. If you write down your specific goals and outline your plan you are more likely to get there. Put your milestones on your calendar for motivation.

Reduce stress

Setting small fitness goals that you can achieve will reduce the stress of getting to the big goal. Small goals help you feel as though you are in control, help you manage your time, and keep you motivated.

Tell your friends when you are successful

When you share fitness and weight loss goals and success stories you are more likely to achieve your long-term goals.

For more information on setting fitness goals, contact Answer is Fitness in Canton, MA.

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