Addressing Proper Form During Indoor Cycling Workouts

by Answer is Fitness on October 21, 2022      

Answer is Fitness - Indoor Cycling

Indoor cycling offers outstanding positive effects on your physical form and health. No wonder it’s one of the most preferred cardio workouts. Good form will make a huge difference to the overall effect of your exercise. The following tips will improve your indoor cycling form so that you can maximize the benefits of your effort:

1. Choose proper seat height

Before you hop on to the stationary bike, stand beside it. Lift the nearest leg up to flex your knee at 90 degrees while the thigh is parallel with the floor. The level where the hip joint is the point where your seat should be.

2. Look at the bend in your legs

Another way to make sure you are positioning your body properly is to slide in your feet onto the pedals. If your legs are significantly bent during downstroke or totally straight, you need to adjust the seat height once again. When legs are lengthened below the pedal stroke, the knees must be slightly bent. This is the safest and efficient form for pedaling.

3. Chest Up and Back Flat

The rider's back must be flat while chest up during pedaling. Then eyes must be focused on the instructor. This is the safe form for the spine and hamstring since it puts less tension on these body parts and muscles.

4. Avoid Putting The Weight On The Handlebars

Keep the weight on the back of the hips while keeping a firm grasp on the handlebars. This is the proper form so your weight will be supported by the core and lower body. With less weight on your wrist and shoulders, you can avoid unnecessary injury in your upper extremity.

5. Keep The Feet Flat

For maximum performance, keep your feet flat on the pedals so that the muscles on your legs will achieve a balanced exercise.

6. Provide Adequate Resistance

Proper resistance is required to balance your pedal stroke, challenge you physically, and will prevent you from bouncing in the saddle.

For more tips on indoor cycling workout in Foxboro, MA, contact Answer is Fitness.

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