by Answer is Fitness on May 13, 2021
High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is a type of training where the workouts consist of intense sets of strength and cardiovascular exercises, mixed with less intense sets for rest. HIIT has been proven to be a superior form of training for many different reasons. There are also many benefits that come from choosing to do high intensity interval workouts.
High-intensity interval training is a great way to train for people who feed off group fitness. HIIT workouts generally only take about 15-30 minutes, depending on your level of cardiovascular fitness and endurance. Because these workouts are short, they are much easier to fit into your busy schedule than the typical 45-60 minute jog on the treadmill.
Also, HIIT workouts do not require any equipment, again making it a type of workout that you can take on the road with you when you can’t get to your normal fitness class here. HIIT workouts consist of a lot of cardiovascular work that boost your heart rate. You will be able to lose body fat efficiently in this fitness routine. HIIT also includes strength training in the workouts thus enabling you to maintain (and even build) muscle mass. , HIIT workouts also drastically boost your metabolism throughout the rest of the day, because of the large amount of stress it puts on your entire body through strength and cardio training.
High-intensity interval training will improve your physique, while improving your strength and cardiovascular endurance. It is a great way to train for improving all of the aspects of physical fitness. Because of the numerous benefits it has, high-intensity interval training is a great option for anybody wanting to improve their physiques and overall physical fitness.
Contact Answer is Fitness to learn more about HIIT.
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