by Answer is Fitness on May 8, 2020
Exercising is strenuous physical activity that accelerates body water loss. Moreover, as we workout sweat production increases which means more fluids from the body are vaporized. During this process we lose electrolytes which play a vital role in conducting nerve impulses and contracting muscles. If you are not hydrating properly, you are losing water and electrolytes which can result in impairment of body functioning.
While water is the best fluid to drink before, during, and after an exhausting workout, there are a few other beverages that can replenish lost body fluids and electrolytes.
Coconut Water
Natural Coconut Water contains essential electrolytes such as sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus. As a matter of fact, one serving of coconut water contains more potassium than a banana.
If you don't like flavourless water, you may go for blended fruits and/or vegetables. It's best to use water or coconut water to your smoothie instead of milk. Also, include some watery veggies into the mix like cucumber, celery, and spinach for maximum hydration.
Herbal Tea
During colder weather, or for those who want something different, tea has less caffeine than other caffeinated beverages and is packed with anti-oxidants. You have several choices for flavor, so it can satisfy your need for flavour as well.
For more health and fitness tips, contact Answer is Fitness.
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