Seven Tips to Get the Most Out of Your Pure Barre Workout

by Answer is Fitness on July 22, 2019      

Answer is Fitness - Barre Sport in Foxboro, MA

Your exercise routine should be fun yet challenging. You should get peak results with peak efforts. That is where these seven tips will become useful. Whether you frequent the studio multiple times a week or once a month, these tips will help get the most out of your Barre workouts.

  1. Focus.
    This is probably the most difficult, yet important tip of them all. As women, our brains run constantly, and they run fast. It’s difficult to not think about work, emails, texts, making dinner, picking up kids, running errands, or “What am I going to wear to that?!” The mind-body connection is an extremely powerful one, and if you can tap into it and keep the mind chatter away for 55 minutes, not only will you achieve better results, but you will feel refreshed and breathe easier.
  2. Be Consistent.
    Pure Barre is like any other discipline or sport–the more frequently you do it, the better you get at it; the more you understand it, the deeper you can work (and the more you enjoy it!). We remind ourselves of this during other periods of our lives, why not when it comes to our personal wellness? If a skier didn’t remind themselves of this during ski season, then they can’t be left wondering why they don’t improve when they only skied once or twice during the last ski season. Create a routine for yourself and find an accountability partner, like a friend, who can help keep you motivated.
  3. Don’t be too hard on yourself.
    We’re all human. If you have an off class or miss a few days at the studio, that’s okay! Stumbling is a part of this journey we call life, and it’s important to remind ourselves of that. Don’t beat yourself up because you couldn’t make class today. Instead, use it as an opportunity to still practice self-care. Make a healthy dinner, listen to that podcast, or catch up on the book you’ve been neglecting since the New Year. Each day is a new opportunity to work toward your goal–even if it’s a small step.
  4. Use the leader muscle.
    Class is organized by sections, and despite the music, choreography, and positions changing every time, the format of class remains consistent. With each section, we focus on a leader muscle should lead your movement, meaning it should move first. For example, in the seat section, your seat is the leader. If you were doing an exercise in tabletop and looked in the mirror, you should see your seat move first, before your leg, calf, or foot. Lead your movement with the muscle you are trying to shape.
  5. Avoid mirror and teacher obsession.
    The mirrors are often a necessity in a group fitness environment and are beneficial when you can’t feel if you are out of position, but can see it. HOWEVER, they can be a distraction if you let them. Many of us are guilty of thinking about how our eyebrows are a train-wreck during thigh work. We often say that the best teachers are so verbally clear that you don’t have to look at them once during class–you can stay in the zone the entire time. Next class, pay attention to how much you are looking in the mirror and at the teacher, because neither of those things will help YOU get the most out of your hour.
  6. Let the music take you to the next level.
    There have been a ton of studies on how music impacts the brain during exercise, and it’s no secret that “the human heart wants to synchronize to the music[…]” The songs we use in class are carefully selected per section. We know that music helps to take your workout to the next level, so go ahead and let it push you.
  7. Have fun!
    Exercise should be about how you feel, not about how you look. Don’t forget to have fun in class–go with friends or pop into your favorite instructor’s class. Work hard, smile, and laugh–enjoy the 55 minutes you are gifting yourself.

For more information about Barre Workout, contact Answer is Fitness.


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