Spinning Is Winning

by Answer is Fitness on September 10, 2019      

Answer is Fitness spinning cycling classes in Foxboro, MA

Spinning is both challenging and fun exercise. Spinners within our fitness facility are amongst the most dedicated athletes of all. Learning how to set up a spin bike properly for your body is quick, easy, and repeatable. Anyone young or old, fit or not, a 40-minute Indoor Spinning promises to burn fat, strengthen legs and core, and of course provide one of the very best cardio workouts in the fitness center.

You will gain great benefits in your body with Group Spinning Workout:

  • Weight loss – A single spinning class will burn 500 calories that will help you shed the pounds. Exercising twice a week will increase your calorie burn and help you lose weight. Here is the thing even after you have hopped off the bike, you will still be burning more calories than normal, an hour later. Goodbye to 500 calories in 40-minutes spinning.
  • Improve cardiovascular health - Spinning include both endurance and cardiovascular training. Your heart health and lung capacity are some of the most parts that benefits from taking up this exercise. As you work harder in spinning you will learn to control your breathing. This will help to control anxiety and lower your heart rate.
  • Build muscle tone - This will help you build your muscle tone, especially in the core and lower body. When you pedal, you will work your calves and thighs. If you sit in the correct position on the bike you will begin to work your abs. If you put more effort into the workout and pedal faster you will burn fat faster.
  • Stress Reliever - Spinning is an intense workout that will be more efficient to relieve stress. It is also your chance to socialize and meet like-minded people. You will not only enjoy a good workout, but you get to enjoy the company with your peers while you are doing it! This allows you to free your mind and transport your body to a peaceful place. Less thinking, more fun!
  • All-in-one exercise - Spinning are usually divided into four types of exercises: speed, endurance, power and combination. These are scheduled throughout the week on different days and at different times. This allows you to integrate all the important aspects of training into your weekly fitness regime. For best results mix it up. This way, boredom will not touch your fun workout.
  • Firmer everything - Once committing to your spinning exercise, your entire body will slowly but surely start to firm up. Due to high-intensity interval training (HIIT), you will burn fat by cycling and build muscles – all at the same time.

Spinning exercises are for everybody of all fitness capabilities. You just need more time at the bike to feel the pedal stroke and the resistance consistently through a complete 360 degree turn of the pedals. It is very important that your posture is good – body weight over the crank and a light but firm grip on the handles with shoulders and elbows softly relaxed. After this heart-pumping workout, you will see the results are pretty astonishing. It is a cool ride.

Spinners are winners! Gear up for a sweaty rides and good vibes!

For more tips on Spinning, contact Answer is Fitness.

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