Weight Loss Foods Foxboro - Stay FIT with what you EAT

by Answer is Fitness on May 8, 2014      

Weight Loss Foods FoxboroThe food we eat are the nutritional powerhouse that keeps our body healthy. But what are really the best foods for weight loss? The list would be long if we wrote it in its entirety! So instead, here are some tips on maximizing your food to stay healthy and maintain that perfect figure:

Right amount, right kind

Choosing the right amount and the right kind of food will go a long way. Doing simple math, you have to eat fewer calories than you can burn. You should also eat less as nighttime approaches.

Break the fast

They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day as it ‘breaks the fast’ after a long sleep. Breakfast also jump starts your metabolism. There are a lot of best breakfast foods for weight loss like eggs and omelets which help you trim inches.

Fiber-rich foods

Fiber-rich foods are good for digestion. Oats are healthy and raw fruits have more fiber. So instead of juicing fruits, try chewing them. This way, it signals the brain that you have eaten enough to make you feel full, causing you to eat less.

Feel full, longer

Eating foods that make you feel full longer stops you from eating more. These foods are those that are slow to digest such as beans. Cut back the calories and eat vegetables, they add low-calorie bulk to a tasty dish!

Sweets First

Drinking water 30 minutes before eating your meal can really affect your diet. But often you want to eat something sweet? Try dark chocolate (in small doses) or fruits. This way, you are more full before the main course, and you burn these calories first. Also munching nuts, though not sweet, is proven to make you eat less at meals.

No place for JUNK

Salt and sugar make you eat more. So start saying no to eating junk food including soft drinks. Instead, try eating salad or fruits and vegetables. Replace soda with milk.

Make a weight loss food plan and keep track of what you eat. A balanced diet should be paired with proper exercise. Contact Answer is Fitness for more information.

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