Embracing the chakras in your life and yoga.

by Answer is Fitness on October 29, 2010      

The word "chakra" means "wheel".  It is believed that the body contains seven main chakras arranged vertically from the base of the spine to the top of the head.

Chakras do not guide energy flow from one place to another in the body relatively the same way as meridian do, but are centers of energy in themselves.

The chakras represent areas of energy concentration - each chakra's energy spins around a central point, like a wheel spinning around an axle.

Each seven chakras radiate a specific color, sound, and spiritual quality which are associated with corresponding psychological, physical, and emotional states necessary for the development of the whole person.

The chakras govern the subtle, psychosomatic aspects of our inner life - They are each associated with particular functions within the body and with specific life issues which we handle both inside ourselves and in our interactions with the world. Through external situations and internal habits, a chakra can become either deficient or excessive, and imbalanced.

The lower chakras focus on details such as our home, family, and emotions, while the upper chakras focus on the spiritual aspect of our lives. All of these chakras affect one another and work together as one.

Each chakra is associated with a physical part of your body like the organs, nerves, and glands and they are connected to one of the 5 elements of the earth.

It is important to note that each yoga posture affects the meridians and their corresponding chakras as well.

Yoga postures help us to get these energy centers in balance so they can release their qualities to re-establish our inner balance and restoring our health, and form.

Yoga for Chakras at Answer is Fitness

Saturday, November 20, 2010
From 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM
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