Every Child Shines In Fitness For Kids

by Answer is Fitness on October 14, 2019      

Answer is Fitness in Foxboro, MA

Our fitness for kids programs provide a welcoming, fun, and healthy environment for all children. We help them learn to love their own unique selves through fitness of body & mind. Being fit is a way of saying a person eats well, gets a lot of physical activity (exercise), and has a healthy weight.

Exercise and healthy balanced diet builds the foundation of a healthy and active life. This is even more important for children who are obese. One of the most important things parents will do is encourage healthy habits in their children early on in life. It is not too late to start. Ask your child's doctor about tools for healthy living today.

Parents will play a key role in helping their child shines and become more physically active:

  • Talk with your child's doctor. Your child's doctor will help your child understand why physical activity is important. Your child's doctor will also suggest a sport or activity that is best for your child.
  • Find a fun activity. Help your child find a sport that she enjoys. The more she enjoys the activity, the more likely she will continue it. Get the entire family involved. It is a great way to spend time together.
  • Plan ahead. Make sure your child has a convenient time and place to exercise
  • Choose an activity that is developmentally appropriate. For example, a 7- or 8-year-old child is not ready for weight lifting or a 3-mile run, but soccer, bicycle riding, and swimming are all appro­priate activities.
  • Make time for exercise. Some children are so overscheduled with homework, music lessons, and other planned activities that they do not have time for exercise.
  • Provide a safe environment. Make sure your child's equipment and chosen site for the sport or activity are safe. Make sure your child's clothing is comfortable and appropriate.
  • Provide active toys. Young children especially need easy access to balls, jump ropes, and other active toys.
  • Be a role model. Children who regularly see their parents enjoying sports and physical activity are more likely to do so themselves.
  • Play with your child. Help her learn a new sport. Turn off the TV. Limit TV watching and computer use. Use the free time for more physical activities.

Physical activity helps prevent (at a minimum reduce) reduce health problems. It also helps manage your child’s weight. It boosts self-esteem by helping children feel confident about their bodies and appearance. For more tips on fitness for kids, contact Answer is Fitness.

Source: healthychildren.org

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