Lose More Weight by Drinking Less Calories

by Answer is Fitness on July 16, 2013      

We often hear, "drink more, it is good for you". Well, that all depends on what we are drinking. Water is great for you. If you want to lose weight faster this summer, then drink more water. Of course, water is also very important when exercising in the hot weather. Remember to increase the amount of water  you drink in the summer, because you need more. But just water, not sugary drinks.

In the summer, our bodies demand more liquid, but be careful. Be conscious of what you drink. Drinking sugary beverages, can dramatically increase  your caloric intake much more than you think. In fact, most people are not mindful of what they drink and don’t consider beverages when they are considering caloric intake or weight loss.

If you are trying to lose weight, watch the food you eat, the amount of calories you burn, and WHAT YOU DRINK. Your favorite drinks may have more calories than an ice cream cone.

When drinking sugary, canned or coffee drinks, you are drinking calories. In fact, studies show that average Americans drink 411 liquid calories daily. Worse, most people don’t cut down on what they eat when they drink more, so unfortunately, Americans are drinking 411 EXTRA calories a day.
However, summer is the time for cocktails at backyard BBQ’s. But there is some good news for women. Women who drink one to two servings of wine, beer, or liquor a day tend to gain less weight over time than those who don’t drink at all. Some studies say that drinking a small amount of alcohol regularly may reduce our appetite.

When you are trying to lose weight or just eat healthy, no more than 10% of your total daily calories should come from beverages. Remember to check the labels too; some cans have 2 or more servings.

Want more nutrition and summer weight loss tips, contact Answer is Fitness in North Attleboro.

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