Rotator Cuff Training

by Answer is Fitness on April 16, 2010      

Your rotator cuff is a group of muscles and tendons that act together to stabilize the shoulder joint. It is called the 'Scapulohumeral' area of the human body (that attaching to your scapula and humerus bones), and hose muscles being your teres major, teres minor, deltoid, supraspinatus, infraspinatus and subscapularis muscles. How does one  properly train or exercise your rotator cuff?

Most of the muscles in your Rotator Cuff musculature are used for internal and external rotation (turning your arm/palm in and out). This all has to be done when griping something. In other words, your rotator cuff muscles are worked when you exercise your grip. Most injuries to your rotator cuff occur when there are quick, explosive shoulder motions. Rotator Cuff injuries also often occur because of improper lifting techniques/form. If you are involved in a sport where you want to make sure you do not hurt your rotator cuff, work on your grip.

When you exercise, utilize your hands a lot. Don't wear those wrist straps that help you lift more (back exercises, shrugs, dead lifts, etc), but instead workout using your natural grip ... Hold the  weights so that your forearms also get stressed/tired. The more you grip things strongly and stress your muscles, the harder your rotator cuff muscles have to work. This leads to strengthening the musculature and preventing injury! Use your grip as much as you can when you exercise so that you won't tear your rotator cuff, even if you just hold weights for a prolonged period of time.

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