Top Five Tips To Lose Weight Fast

by Answer is Fitness on July 24, 2019      

Answer is Fitness - Personal training program in Canton, MA

Personal training will help you transform your lifestyle and attain your desired weight and shape in no time. However, before you head for the gym, here are the five best fitness tips from our personal trainers here in Canton, MA:

  • Weight Loss Starts With A Good Hydration - Dehydration usually manifests as exhaustion. You won't be able to perform workouts at your full potential when you are feeling tired. Besides that, sometimes thirst will be mistakenly detected as hunger by the brain. We to easily give in to this random cravings which is a contradiction to what we are trying to pursue. Drinking a lot of water will quench your thirst and keep your cravings at bay.
  • Diet and Exercise Work Together - No matter how many reps you are able to make in a session, if you are not careful with your diet, you will never see that toned body. Eat a well-balanced diet that involves a whole lot of fruits and veggies, whole grains, dairy and lean meat.
  • Make changes one step at a time - Make smaller commitment at a time. Instant modification of routine, diet and lifestyle is usually a short lived moment. Make changes gradually, you are more closer to lifelong changes than doing every changes all in the same day.
  • The Right Time To Scale - Personal trainers recommend to weigh yourself once a week at the same day at the same time and in the same clothes.
  • Incorporate Some Strength Training - You need to gain more muscles to burn more calories. Doing cardio alone will lose you some muscles which can slow your metabolism. In order to maintain muscles you need to integrate at least one or two strength training exercises to your fitness regimen.

For more fitness tips, contact Answer is Fitness.

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