Piyo Training: Perfect for Starting Your Fitness Journey

by Answer is Fitness on February 25, 2022      

Answer is Fitness - Piyo Training in Foxboro, MA

For those people who want to transform their body, lose weight, and regain that personal confidence that cam easy, our Piyo training program is a perfect choice for you! Piyo training is an eight-week long fitness program that combines Pilates and Yoga-inspired moves to work out the body’s entire muscles set.

The Piyo fitness program offers a different kind of way to get a slender figure without over-straining your body. For one, it doesn't require any weight lifting nor does it demand prolonged intense jumping like our Insanity workouts. Although Insanity training is quite effective for some, they simply aren’t the fitness avenue of choice for others who may suffer some form of impairment or disability. Piyo is a perfect workout substitute for those who want to take it a bit lighter in their fitness regimen due to some body limitations. Rest assured though that the Piyo workout can be dialed up or down according to the athlete’s need. For those who have mobility issues, personal trainers can calibrate the exercises to a simpler and more manageable level. Advanced workouts are also available for those who desire a more challenging work out.

The exercise concentrates in increasing flexibility, stability, and strength. Its goal is to help you develop long, lean, and toned muscles through stretching exercises. However, it requires you to stay in motion so you have to execute the poses in a faster pace to promote burning of calories and shedding of fats. You'll be amazed with the results you can gain without experiencing a lot of strain.

For more information about Piyo Training in Foxboro, MA, contact Answer is Fitness.

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