Yoga The Magic of New Beginnings

by Answer is Fitness on September 29, 2019      

Answer is Fitness - Yoga Fitness Foxboro, MA

It might be time for a fresh start, new beginnings and new goals. Yoga can change your life.

YOGA is not about the shape of your body but the shape of your life. Yoga is not to be performed; it is to be lived. You do not care about what you have been. It cares about the person you are becoming. Yoga is designed for a vast and profound purpose. And for it to be truly called yoga, its essence must be embodied.

When breath guides movement, the practice of asana becomes an internal experience. The breath initiates a conversation with the mind, the body and the soul. If we lose the breath, we lose the yoga. Yoga practice connects you to inner joy. It reminds you that it is not about attaining perfection, but about taking failures lightly and not personally. Behind every yoga pose there is many failures, bloopers and laughs. Smile, laugh and stay healthy inside and out.

Invite a graceful beginning to the start of your day:

  1. Practice with a beginner’s mind. Bring a special sense of awareness to the beginning of your practice. As you stand in Mountain Pose, focus on how you will bring newness to this pose (that you may have practiced hundreds of times!) It does not have to be something big – a slight shift in your weight or turn in the way you hold your hands.
  2. Honor the sweetness of a new day. Perform your poses at a slower pace than usual. Bring awareness to your breath and your movement. Use this ritual to welcome the new day and the new adventures that it might bring. And if you happen to catch the sunrise, take a moment to savor those first few rays of light.

Yoga has become an integral part of your life that there is not a day when you do not do any practice. Yoga happens every day. It is not done just as a part of your dance training or to enhance your dancing anymore (that will anyways happen). Within yoga, your dance is bound to get stronger and more vibrant! Yoga strengthens and makes you a better human being, both physically and mentally. Surrender to yoga and see what it does to you!

For more tips on yoga workout, contact Answer is Fitness.

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