Achieve more than just Weight Loss through Pilates Exercises?

by Answer is Fitness on October 20, 2017      

Answer is Fitness Pilates classes in North Attleboro, MA

For those women who have never stepped foot in the Pilates classes in North Attleboro, MA, here are some reasons to convince them to switch camps:

Low-intensity Pilates exercises are easy on the joints. The power of Pilates lies on its slow and controlled movements. But even if the routines are not high-intensity such as kickboxing and insanity, they guarantee fitness results such as losing weight and getting in shape.

Aside from weight loss through Pilates, women who regularly go to these classes will also benefit from a stronger core which is responsible for proper posture. And because women are able to keep their spine in the right position with the strong support coming from the core muscles, they are less likely to experience back pain. And even if they do, they can use Pilates to help alleviate such pain as it stabilizes the core’s lumbar-pelvic region thereby preventing the stress on the area and upping mobility.

Pilates exercises can also do good to the brain. With regular Pilates exercise, women can see improvement on their brain activity such as memory performance and other cognitive functions. Dopamine, serotonin, and other mood-enhancing chemicals will also flood their brain to combat stress thereby making one focus more to their tasks.

To find out more about regular Pilates exercise classes, contact Answer is Fitness.

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