by Answer is Fitness on July 9, 2013
It’s hot. You are trying to exercise and lose weight. While the weather is nice, it is great to exercise outside, but remember, drink lots of water! Your body needs fluids to operate efficiently. Your body is more than 60% water, and even light exercise can deplete that percentage. Exercising in the heat without drinking enough can be dangerous. Not enough fluid means dehydration, your body can become overtaxed and it can stop functioning properly. Hydrating, drinking plenty of water, is the key to not getting dehydrating and getting the maximum effect from your summer exercises.
The Benefits of Staying Well Hydrated?
- More energy, power and endurance.
- Stay cooler, feel better.
- Go farther, faster.
- Work harder, burn more calories.
- Decrease your recovery time so you can go out and do it all again.
How to know you are Dehydrated?
Once you've reached the point of feeling thirsty, dehydration has already begun. If left this way, the body will continue to provide signs that it is running low. Early signs include a dry mouth and a decrease in energy. These can quickly lead to cramps, headaches and nausea.
The cure to staying hydrated is as close as a glass of water. Experts recommend the following to make sure you are well hydrated while exercising:
- Drink early—about 2 hours before exercise.
- Drink often—continually sip fluids rather than gulp them down infrequently.
- In the summer, add sport/energy drinks —they help restore carbohydrates and electrolytes.
- Drink after—post-exercise hydration gets your fluid levels back to normal and can help with recovery.
- Use the "copious and clear" rule—this refers to urine volume and color when you're drinking enough fluids. Darker color and less volume is an indication that you're dehydrated.
- Make sure water is close at hand. A water bottle in the car is useless in the middle of your workout in the gym!
For more fitness tips, contact Answer is Fitness.
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