Pilates Exercises Do So Much for Your Core

by Answer is Fitness on August 10, 2017      

Answer is Fitness - Pilates ball exercise

For those who have never participated in Pilates classes in North Attleboro, MA you should know about the research regarding the benefits of this exercise. Enrolling in these classes allows people to lose weight and get in the best shape, but Pilates does even more than that.

Weight loss through Pilates is guaranteed because Pilates builds muscle. The exercises in each class burns calories and builds strength without overworking your body. While executing Pilates exercises in perfect form, you are also able to build muscles and tone your body, especially in your core.

Pilates exercises work your core unlike any other workout. This is because they target the smaller muscles in your core, not just the big ones. After performing these routines in class, you will find yourself with a strengthened and elongated core muscles which means more strength and better posture. By working out all of the core muscles, including the small ones that are often overlooked, this eliminates any muscle imbalances between the left and right side.

A stronger and more toned core equals better back health as well. Hence, through Pilates, people can also better maintain proper posture which contributes to self-confidence and keeps them from suffering from chronic lower back pain. As a matter of fact, by stabilizing the core’s lumbar-pelvic or lower-back region through Pilates exercises, the stress on the area is alleviated for pain-free movements.

To find out more about the benefits of regular Pilates exercises, contact Answer is Fitness.

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