Pilates -- For Tightening And Toning Body

by Answer is Fitness on September 28, 2019      

Answer is Fitness Pilates classes in North Attleboro, MA

With so little time to get in shape, you need to target all the key areas at once. Pilates is an effective low-impact workout. It will be beneficial for toning up muscles, toning the core, and improving posture. It may also help with recovery from back pain and other injuries by strengthening the affected area. If you are looking to lose weight, you will incorporate Pilates into your wellness plan.

For carving a solid core, Pilates is king. But it also makes a great total-body workout. Pilates challenges big and small muscles from your tootsies all the way up to the base of your noggin. The result is a longer-and leaner-looking you. It is a resistance training, pure and simple, because you work with your own body weight in every move.

There are four moves to do three days a week and you will have a smashing silhouette and you will get the biggest surprise of your body:

  • Rolldown - Works core, glutes and hamstring
    Sit on the floor with your knees bent, feet hip-width apart and flat on the floor. Grab the backs of your thighs and suck in your navel so your torso forms a C. Keeping your back rounded, slowly roll back as low as you will with your feet planted on the floor. Take three deep breaths. Return to start.
  • Double-Leg - Stretch works core, shoulders, back, glutes and legs.
    Lie on your back. Bring your knees toward your chest and grab your shins. Brace your abs. As you lift your head, neck, and shoulders off the floor, extend your legs. Hold them about 12 inches off the floor and straighten your arms over your head with your palms up. Bring your knees back up to your chest and grab your legs again.
  • Side Leg Circles - Works core and inner and outer thighs
    Lie on your right side with your right upper arm on the floor and your head resting on your right hand. With knees straight, bend at your hips so your legs and torso form a slight angle. Raise your left leg 6 to 8 inches and make 8 small forward circles from the hip, raising the leg higher with each one. From the highest point, make 8 more small circles in the other direction as you lower the leg to start.
  • Spine Twist - Works shoulders, obliques, back, glutes and legs
    Sit with your legs extended in front of you, knees straight and toes pointing up. Extend your arms to the sides at shoulder height, palms down. Twist your upper body as far as you will to the left without compromising your posture or shifting your hips or legs. Pulse twice, reaching farther to the left each time. Return to center and repeat the move to the right.

Another important reason to work out and tone your body is that it makes you feel great, inside and out. Good mental health is one of the benefits of maintaining an active lifestyle, and it is just as important as having good physical health. The physical benefits of Pilates Workout include an increase in muscle strength and toning your body without creating bulk. The increase in deep core muscle strength helps to make your abdominal muscles look tight and toned. As well the mental benefit of Pilates include an increase in your ability to focus. For more tips on Pilates, contact Answer in Fitness.

Source: active.com

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