Weight Gain as You Age

by Answer is Fitness on March 9, 2010      

Many people during their mid-life years (starting as early as 35) experience slow but steady weight gain. The process actually starts when you are not expecting it and could take a few years for the full effects of gaining unwanted weight to set in. This is sometimes referred to as 'Creeping Obesity' where you slowly gain weight over a period of time (2-3 years).  Then all of a sudden you finally notice what has happened but cannot point to a root cause.

If there are 4 keywords to health as you age through your middle years, they are "Eat Less, Move More".  If you fall into a routine where you do the exact opposite (Move Less, Eat More), that's when  this Creeping Obesity begins. It is due to not realizing the fact that you are eating just slightly too much, and not exercising enough (or maybe you stopped exercising completely over time). It is not abnormal in the beginning that it could take you a whole month to gain one pound. However the compound effect of this pattern over a few years could result in weight gain of 25-35 pounds ... without really noticing it until it's too late.

One of the keys in getting back in shape in your middle years is to acknowledge how long it took to put the weight on. If you fell into Creeping Obesity, and it took you several years before you realized what has been happening, then it only makes sense that it will take a while to lose the weight. So don't get frustrated if the weight doesn't come as fast as you like.  Stay the course and you will achieve your goals.  If you need personalized support or a structured fitness program than contact one of our fitness professionals at Answer is Fitness.

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