Boost Your Energy Levels Through Exercise

by Answer is Fitness on August 27, 2021      

Answer is Fitness - Foxboro, MA

Are feeling less than energetic? Exercising actually creates more energy for you to use. Physically active people feel more energetic overall than sedentary people. In a study of 40,000 women, the more weekly physical activity they did, the more they reported feeling revved up. It has been shown that exercise stimulates neurotransmitters, like dopamine, and this creates the feeling of having more energy. You should aim for 20 to 40 minutes of cardio four or five times a week.

But, keep in mind, not all workouts need to be fast moving, heart pumping sessions. Yoga is also restorative. A study at the University of New Mexico found that people who followed an eight-week yoga and meditation program had a significant increase in daily energy. And women who regularly practiced Hatha yoga had 41 percent less of a compound related to stress in their blood than those who did not. In yoga, for every single pose you bring freshly oxygenated blood to your organs because of the type of deep breathing that's incorporated into the practice.

For more health and fitness tips, contact Answer is Fitness.

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